Ruptures and Reproductions: A walking encounter with a campus tour and a Confederate monument

This article explores a moment of intersections that rupture and reproduce the racist and raced space of a university campus. A walk that I take with a student plugs into a campus tour, becomes connected to a confederate monument, is put in relation to a physical building, and plugs back into reproductions of race and racism on campus. Methodologically, this article moves rhizomatically through practices of place, from the walking interview of the data collection, to a visual analysis that illustrates the overlapping and a/synchronous becomings of the event. Through mapping a visual and affective constellation of affects and materialities that leap and jump across time and bodies, this article explores the multiple and layered discourses at work in this moment to explore what they do: How race and racism are (re)produced through everyday practices, as well as how they crack and stutter and become differently. Following the entanglements of this data event, this analysis maps how molar lines of Whiteness are reproduced and embedded in the discourses of place, and opens the possibility to produce place differently.

Flint, M. (2019). Ruptures and reproductions: A walking encounter with a campus tour and a Confederate monument. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies, 6(14), 91-104.